Articles Archives - Code-Mate Community of IT geaks Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:12:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Articles Archives - Code-Mate 32 32 Accelerating Transaction Speeds: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Embracing the Lightning Network Thu, 28 Sep 2023 11:55:40 +0000 In the realm of digital currencies, scalability has been a persistent issue. As the sphere of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, continues to expand, there is a growing need for swifter and more efficient processing of transactions. Enter the Lightning Network, a groundbreaking solution aimed at tackling the scalability concerns that have haunted […]

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In the realm of digital currencies, scalability has been a persistent issue. As the sphere of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, continues to expand, there is a growing need for swifter and more efficient processing of transactions. Enter the Lightning Network, a groundbreaking solution aimed at tackling the scalability concerns that have haunted cryptocurrencies from their inception.

The Imperative for Swiftness

Transaction speed has consistently been a significant concern within the cryptocurrency community. Bitcoin, the pioneering digital currency, was initially celebrated as a revolutionary means of transferring value rapidly and securely across borders. Nevertheless, as its popularity surged, so did network congestion, leading to slower transaction processing times and elevated fees. This escalating issue called for a solution capable of preserving blockchain’s decentralization and security while substantially amplifying its transaction capacity.

The Lightning Network Unveiled

The Lightning Network, conceived in 2015 by Joseph Poon and Tadge Dryja, aspires to revolutionize how cryptocurrencies manage transactions. Fundamentally, the Lightning Network represents a second-layer remedy constructed atop the Bitcoin blockchain, with the aim of expediting and reducing the cost of transactions by creating off-chain payment channels.

Advantages of Embracing the Lightning Network

Immediate Transactions: One of the principal advantages of the Lightning Network is its capacity to facilitate instantaneous transactions. By conducting transactions off the primary blockchain and subsequently settling them, users can experience the speed characteristic of traditional financial systems while still reaping the benefits of the fundamental blockchain’s security.

Reduced Fees: Lightning Network transactions typically involve markedly lower fees when compared to on-chain transactions. This decline in transaction costs renders microtransactions and daily purchases economically viable on the Bitcoin network, a feat previously hampered by high fees.

Enhanced Scalability: The Lightning Network notably augments Bitcoin’s scalability. With the capability to handle thousands of transactions per second, it possesses the potential to rival conventional payment networks such as Visa or Mastercard concerning transaction throughput.

Privacy Fortification: Another benefit offered by the Lightning Network is an elevation in privacy. Given that transactions transpire off-chain, they do not mandate the same degree of transparency as on-chain transactions. This aspect resonates with users who hold their financial privacy in high regard.

Microtransactions Enabled: Owing to its diminished fees and expeditious transaction speeds, the Lightning Network introduces fresh opportunities for microtransactions. These include applications such as pay-per-article content, micro-donations to content creators, and more.

Obstacles on the Horizon

Although the Lightning Network brims with promise, it is not devoid of obstacles and impediments:

Network Liquidity: The Lightning Network hinges on an array of payment channels, all of which necessitate sufficient liquidity to function efficiently. Imbalances in liquidity can lead to delays in routing payments, underscoring the importance of addressing liquidity management.

Security Concerns: As Lightning Network transactions are not promptly settled on the Bitcoin blockchain, they introduce the risk of fraudulent activity. Developers continuously labor to bolster the network’s security, yet users must remain vigilant.

User-Friendliness: The Lightning Network, while potent, is not yet as user-friendly as traditional cryptocurrency wallets. Enhancing the user experience is imperative for achieving widespread adoption.

Centralization Apprehensions: Critics posit that the Lightning Network might engender centralization, with large, well-funded nodes potentially dominating the network. Prolonged efforts to promote decentralization stand as a vital countermeasure to this concern.

Integration Challenges: The seamless integration of Lightning Network support into wallets, exchanges, and other cryptocurrency services can prove intricate. The widespread adoption of the technology hinges on the availability of smooth integration options.

The Journey Ahead

Since its inception, the Lightning Network has traversed a considerable distance, witnessing numerous advancements and refinements. Presently, it finds active utilization across a spectrum of real-world applications, spanning online tipping, e-commerce, and even cross-border remittances. Nevertheless, its full potential remains untapped, and the hurdles it confronts demand diligent resolution to realize mass adoption.

As the Lightning Network continues to mature, it possesses the capability to reshape the cryptocurrency panorama by delivering a scalable, efficient, and cost-effective payment solution. It could pave the way for a new era of digital finance, where Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be seamlessly employed for everyday transactions, liberated from the shackles of tardy confirmation times and exorbitant fees.

In summation, the Lightning Network stands as a substantial stride towards resolving the scalability quandaries faced by cryptocurrencies. Its merits, encompassing instantaneous transactions, reduced fees, and heightened privacy, beckon towards a promising future for digital finance. While challenges persist, the perpetual evolution and acceptance of Lightning Network technology hold the key to unleashing the full potential of cryptocurrencies to a global audience.

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The Importance of Smart Contract Audits: Ensuring Security and Trust in Your Blockchain Transactions Thu, 28 Sep 2023 06:36:26 +0000 In the perpetually shifting terrain of blockchain technology, the deployment of smart contracts has verily transmuted the modus operandi of transactions. These ingenious, self-executing contractual artifacts, underpinned by the decentralized edifice of blockchain, proffer an unparalleled pantheon of transparency, mechanization, and imperturbable fortifications. However, as the impetus of smart contract adoption surges forth, the dire […]

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In the perpetually shifting terrain of blockchain technology, the deployment of smart contracts has verily transmuted the modus operandi of transactions. These ingenious, self-executing contractual artifacts, underpinned by the decentralized edifice of blockchain, proffer an unparalleled pantheon of transparency, mechanization, and imperturbable fortifications. However, as the impetus of smart contract adoption surges forth, the dire need for punctilious audits to vouchsafe their dependability becomes unequivocally manifest. In this sagacious exploration, we shall not only underscore the pivotal momentousness of smart contract audits but also unveil avant-garde methodologies to ensconce the paramount security and unassailable trustworthiness of blockchain transactions.

The Genesis of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts, a conceptual progeny of the sagacious Nick Szabo in the antecedent annum of 1994, have reached their apogee with the advent of blockchain technology. These self-executing contractual algorithms, animated by code rather than intermediaries, profligately promulgate and effectuate predetermined stipulations upon the auspicious confluence of predefined circumstances. This imbued autonomy precludes the maladies of human foibles and shuns the nefarious machinations of subterfuge, thus rendering smart contracts an indispensable constituent in multifarious industrial sectors.

The nuptial union of blockchain and smart contracts has catalyzed a renaissance of innovation across a diverse spectrum of domains, encompassing finance, supply chain management, healthcare, and real estate. Their quintessential utility in expediting operations, economizing costs, and erecting bulwarks of security has been transformational. Nonetheless, this march of progress bears the solemn responsibility of safeguarding the infallibility of smart contracts, an onus judiciously assigned to the agency of smart contract audits.

Delineation of Vulnerabilities

While extolling the inviolability of smart contracts is well warranted, it behooves us to acknowledge that these digital paragons are not impervious to the specter of vulnerabilities that could potentially subvert the incorruptibility of blockchain transactions. These vulnerabilities, ensconced within the annals of smart contract operation, encompass the following:

  • Machinations of Code: Notwithstanding the strenuous endeavors undertaken in the realm of codecrafting, the specter of human fallibility haunts the corridors of programming. The slightest inadvertence, a mere typographical peccadillo, may be the harbinger of unintended consequences, fraught with the portent of grievous financial losses and breaches of security.
  • Fissures in Security: Lurking in the recesses of smart contracts are crevices where insidious actors may insinuate themselves, capitalizing on latent vulnerabilities. Such fragilities may manifest in the guise of deficiencies in access control, vulnerability to reentrancy attacks, or susceptibility to a maelstrom of denial-of-service stratagems.
  • Verbal Vagaries: The enshrinement of contractual terms and obligations, often ensnared within the labyrinthine lexicon of legalese, sometimes furnishes the soil in which disputes and vexatious contentions germinate. The dearth of unequivocal definitions can precipitate disagreements of interpretation.
  • Oracle Chicanery: Smart contracts, reliant as they are on oracles as arbiters of veracity, are susceptible to the machinations of mendacious oracles. The manipulation of these veridical oracles may yield flawed contract executions, further obfuscating the terrain of blockchain transactions.
  • Gas Limitations: Most notably within the precincts of Ethereum, a prominent blockchain domain for smart contract deployment, the imposition of gas thresholds casts its own shadow. Contracts that transgress these bounds may meet an untimely demise or beckon the predation of malevolent agents.

The Pivotal Role of Smart Contract Audits

In assuaging these vulnerabilities and fortifying the edifice of smart contract dependability, meticulous audits emerge as the quintessence of exigency. Smart contract audits, as an exacting regimen, encompass the scrupulous dissection of code, its funcitonal mien, and its fidelity to the apex of best practices. The imperativeness of these audits unfurls thusly:

  • Sensing the Vulnerabilities: Auditors, in their assiduous examination, wield specialized instruments and methodologies to excavate the subterranean vulnerabilities and security chasms concealed within the code. In this prelude to perdition, timely rectification unfurls before the advent of malfeasance.
  • Nurturing the Citadel of Trust: Audits metamorphose into the veritable crucibles that forge trust amongst the stakeholders. Users and investors, enswathed in the aegis of audited smart contracts, dance upon a tapestry of confiance, their faith inviolate in the security and reliability thereof.
  • Conformance to Legal Orthodoxy: In sectors wherein compliance stands as the sine qua non, such as finance and healthcare, the imprimatur of smart contract audits procures the guarantee that these digital covenants remain concordant with the precepts of jurisprudence and regulatory regimes.
  • Pecuniary Prudence: The advent of smart contract audits transcends mere judiciousness; it embodies economic prudence. The identification and emendation of vulnerabilities during the audit gestation prove less prodigious in pecuniary terms than grappling with the cataclysmic aftermath of security breaches or contract enervation.
  • Dissension Disavowal: Smart contracts rendered lucid and duly audited diminish the specter of dissensions stemming from nebulous clauses or capricious contract comportment, cultivating a transactional milieu of unruffled placidity.
  • The Vanguard of Evolution: In the crucible of blockchain’s ceaseless evolution, the discipline of smart contract auditing, too, undergoes an evolution of its own. As decentralized finance (DeFi) ascends to ascendency, audits encompass intricate financial instruments and labyrinthine interactions nestled within the echelons of smart contracts.

Types of Smart Contract Audits

Smart contract audits adumbrate a multifaceted tableau, each subserving a specific end and objective:

  • Code Exegesis: A painstaking autopsy of the code, unraveling its innards, and laying bare vulnerabilities and coding solecisms.
  • Functional Scrutiny: The crucible of functional trials, assaying the smart contract’s comportment across the spectrum of conceivable scenarios, ensuring adherence to its intended operational demeanor.
  • Security Inquest: The lighthouse beam of scrutiny, focused intently on security bastions, repelling vulnerabilities and forestalling potential vectors of subversion.
  • Conformity Audit: An audit of conformity, casting the die to ensure that smart contracts align unflinchingly with legal and regulatory precepts.
  • Gas Optimization Inquiry: An inquiry into gas usage optimization, translating into reduced transactional outlays and prophylaxis against the scourge of contract enervation.
  • Third-Party Audit: The impartial eye of an unswayed third party, conducting audits to furnish a judicious, unprejudiced appraisal.

Innovative Paradigms in Smart Contract Auditing

The art and science of smart contract auditing continue to evolve in a relentless quest to outpace emergent threats and challenges. Some avant-garde paradigms include:

  • Formal Validation: An invocation of mathematical rigor to subject the code to the crucible of formal validation, thereby extinguishing all room for ambiguity and error.
  • Machine Learning Augmentation: The harnessing of machine learning algorithms to detect and flag anomalies and vulnerabilities lurking within the confines of smart contracts.
  • Blockchain Forensics Utilization: The employment of blockchain forensics tools to trace the genealogy of malicious exploits and security breaches.
  • Multi-Platform Penetration: The audacious extension of audit mandates to span the multiplicity of blockchain platforms, each harboring its unique idiosyncrasies and perils.
  • Collective Auditing Endeavors: The democratization of audit processes, involving the collective wisdom of the blockchain community to enhance transparency and foster consensus.


Smart contracts, the linchpin of blockchain transactions, bequeath unto us the gifts of transparency, efficacy, and security in copious measure. Yet, the fullest realization of their potential beckons through the conduits of rigorous and vigilant audits. These audits, akin to sentinels of trust, occupy a paramount role in detecting and remedying vulnerabilities, fashioning trust, and ensuring compliance. As blockchain unfurls its capacious wingspan, charting the course of industries across the globe, the indelible necessity of smart contract audits crescendos in prominence. They stand as the lodestars of a secure and unimpeachable blockchain cosmos, wherein the harmonious cadence of innovation resounds in concert with reliability.

Moreover, in the dynamic tapestry of blockchain evolution, smart contract auditing continues to adapt, embracing novel stratagems to confront emergent complexities and perils. Whether through the strictures of formal validation, the prowess of machine learning, the acumen of blockchain forensics, or the collective endeavor of the community, smart contract audits endure as the bedrock of security and trust in the mosaic of blockchain transactions. Thus, they epitomize not just the resilience of blockchain technology but also its paramount significance in reshaping industries and economies worldwide.

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How to Create an Educational App in 2023 – education mobile app development Wed, 22 Feb 2023 16:19:43 +0000 The modern education landscape is diversified and rich with different app types that cater to different target audiences. Language learning apps, learning management system (LMS) apps, classroom education apps, online courses apps, exam preparation apps, and educational apps for kids are all popular app types. The demand for eLearning apps is growing due to the […]

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The modern education landscape is diversified and rich with different app types that cater to different target audiences. Language learning apps, learning management system (LMS) apps, classroom education apps, online courses apps, exam preparation apps, and educational apps for kids are all popular app types.

The demand for eLearning apps is growing due to the influx of immigrants, hybrid work settings, and the need for employees to stay marketable. Technologies such as virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), artificial intelligence (AI), gamification, microtraining, video streaming, and social functionality are all reshaping the eLearning market.

Duolingo, GoToTraining, Coursera, BYJU’S Exam Prep,, Merge EDU, ELSA Speak, and Quizlet are all prominent examples of educational apps. These apps offer different features and monetization models, such as subscriptions, premium plans, ads, and paid programs, to generate revenue.
Trends in eLearning App Development

By 2022, the use of virtual and augmented reality in eLearning is projected to increase substantially, as technological advances continue to redefine the digital learning field.

Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR)

The extended reality (XR) markets of virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality are estimated to expand by $162.71 billion between 2020 and 2025. AR and VR are revolutionizing physical and digital education by allowing for personalized learning experiences, visualization, and immersive learning. For instance, the Merge EDU app utilizes XR technologies to provide STEM learning experiences through 3D navigation and simulations.

Artificial intelligence (AI)
Intelligent algorithms have been increasingly utilized in many aspects of our lives, with the education market projected to reach $3.68 billion by 2023. AI technology has enabled apps to automate record-keeping, grading, produce customized advice, and respond to queries through bots. ELSA Speak is an app that is based on AI speech recognition. When audio is inputted, the app evaluates the user’s English pronunciation and fluency and immediately provides detailed feedback.


The use of gamification in app development enables creators to make the educational experience more fun and dynamic. This technology allows app developers to turn the boring task of learning into an entertaining journey full of rewards. Research has shown that brains create new neural pathways faster when using game-based learning. When app users experience levels, progress bars, leaderboards, and other gamification elements, it encourages them to continue learning. Popular educational apps like Quizlet use gamification to make complex information more manageable and make the learning process more enjoyable.

Microlearning is a method of training which provides knowledge in small manageable chunks so that it can be more easily understood by users. It is also more engaging and enjoyable than larger chunks of information since it is simpler to comprehend. Popular examples of this approach include Duolingo, Word of the Day, and flashcard apps.

Video streaming

In 2019, the world went into lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic, and with this came a surge in popularity of video streaming. In response, various eLearning applications incorporated this technology to help teachers reach beyond the traditional classroom. By 2021, the market had grown to a value of $988 million and is projected to increase to $4290 million by 2028.

One main factor contributing to the growth of video streaming is the direct interaction between the audience and the streamer that creates a more personal approach to teaching. This capability has enabled remote studying and provided increased accessibility to education. In addition, platforms such as Vimeo and Dacast are designed for streaming and provide an interactive learning experience.

Social functionality

Digital education is enhanced through social features that enable users to connect and interact with the app, as well as to share their experiences with other people. Apps can be integrated with social media so users can join quickly and post their progress. Profiles can be customized, so users can be identified and app owners can access useful information. Furthermore, live chat support and push notifications can heighten engagement and make each connection more personal.
Creating Educational Apps: Step by Step
To bring an educational mobile app development to fruition, it is essential to go through a consistent, iterative process. This will help to ensure the development of a successful solution. It is important to understand the different stages involved in the creation of this type of app, so as to ensure its successful implementation.

Step 1: Choose your niche: Pre-planning is the most critical stage before app development. This phase involves a detailed market and competitor analysis that helps you choose the right development direction. This will help you identify opportunities to set up your project for success.

Step 2: Shape the concept and define the features: During this stage, you and your app development team will outline project requirements and create a list of must-have features and requirements that will become the foundation of the project.

Step 3: Design compelling UI/UX: This stage involves UI/UX designers creating a user interface that is aesthetically pleasing and has easily discoverable components and a smooth user experience. It is important to consider the age group and cognitive abilities of the users.

Step 4: Choose a development approach: This stage requires choosing a viable tech stack and assembling a development team with the right skills. The technological choice should be based on the application’s specs, including its complexity and time to market.

Step 5: Estimate time and cost: You need to calculate the cost of the project, which is based on the scope and number of features to be developed. You should also consider the pricing model that fits your resources and project requirements.

Step 6: Develop a minimum viable product (MVP): This step involves building an MVP, which is an early version of the product with just the must-have features. This allows you to test your hypotheses without excessive development costs.

Step 7: Improve and support your educational app: This stage involves the maintenance of your application to ensure it is always running to the best of its abilities. It covers regular feature updates, emergency resolution and audits for iOS and Android.

How to Make an Educational App: Core Features
Signup and login are essential features for eLearning apps for students to set up their profiles and track their progress. The user profile should include basic information and a profile picture, as well as details such as the number of purchased courses, billing details, etc. Search bars and filters should be included to help students easily find educational content, plus a recommendation engine may be useful to suggest relevant courses and content. If the app is based on paid subscriptions or courses, a payment gateway such as PayPal should be integrated with additional options such as Google Pay and Apple Pay. Push notifications may be utilized to re-engage users and inform them of updates or challenges, and a dashboard should be set up to track their learning progress. Learning materials should be categorized for easy navigation, and cloud integration and cross-platform support should be adopted to ensure users can access the app from any device or platform.

For teachers registration and login are necessary as well to access their accounts and enjoy the benefits of the eLearning app. The admin panel should provide teachers with an overview of their duties, student attendance, grades, and progress. Notifications should be sent when assignments are completed, exams taken, and new students enrolled. Test creating tools should be available for educators to create online tests, distribute them, and evaluate the results. Lastly, live sessions should be held to host interactive lessons through video streaming, with the ability to chat and communicate via video and audio.

Let’s join forces and make a difference!

If you are ready to take advantage of the opportunity to make an impact in the eLearning market, now is the ideal time to reach out to us. We can collaborate and create an effective, competitive educational application. Let’s work together and make a real difference!

The post How to Create an Educational App in 2023 – education mobile app development appeared first on Code-Mate.

How to Use Call Center Data Analysis to Boost Efficiency Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:22:39 +0000 The call center experience can significantly impact whether a business makes a sale or keeps a customer. Call centers have grown even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic as a vital lifeline for customers to get in touch with helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable agents who can address their questions and concerns, assist with invoicing and […]

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The call center experience can significantly impact whether a business makes a sale or keeps a customer. Call centers have grown even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic as a vital lifeline for customers to get in touch with helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable agents who can address their questions and concerns, assist with invoicing and delivery issues, and help them finalize transactions.

The need for businesses to guarantee that their call centers and call center staff are working at peak efficiency has never been greater. Call centers can be challenging to set up and manage, and they are also cost centers. They require a lot of hardware, software, and a strong, comprehensive phone system.

Since many switched to using remote agents during the pandemic, contact center technology is changing quickly as well. Many are turning away from on-premises solutions in favor of cloud-based “contact center as a service” or CCaaS software. Although there were large upfront costs, this will ultimately save money.

The ROI that centers could produce is impressive. That is, if they are supported by call center development tactics that boost productivity and efficiency while simultaneously improving customer satisfaction.

Where do I begin? You may start by utilizing one of your call center’s most valuable resources: the volume of conversation data that is always expanding.

How Are Call Center Data Analyzed?

It goes without saying that manually listening to phone calls is a poor method for gathering data from call centers. It is expensive, subject to human error, and challenging to scale. This is where conversation intelligence products like call tracking systems come into play because they automatically record, transcript, and analyze every phone call to address this problem. You get complete visibility into every contact center conversation thanks to this.

To assist you in understanding when crucial activities take place on the call, conversation intelligence solutions also feature AI-powered analytics. This could be an agreement to meet, a quote offered, a mention of a certain product, a sale, or anything else that might indicate a high-value transaction has occurred. On the other hand, you can also instantly determine if it was a low-value call, such as someone calling the sales center for simple information like directions or arriving for customer care difficulties. This eliminates the need to pore over each call transcript in order to comprehend performance at scale.

Call center data analysis can provide deep insights into your customers.

Depending on the size and type of the business, a call center may employ one or more workers. For instance, a Fortune 100 corporation may employ between 25,000 and 40,000 customer support agents throughout various call centers. These representatives are expected to handle about 50 calls per day, with a four-minute average call time.

That much call time is a lot. These interactions also yield a ton of useful information on call center effectiveness, such as average call duration and pick-up times. Most operators of call centers gather and keep this information. However, most of the time when they examine that data, they are merely beginning to use it.

They may use their call data to compile demographic information, tally the amount of calls received, and track key performance indicators (KPIs) that are pertinent to their call center or a specific division within it. Some may even track quality control by analyzing call data and then using the results to train agents. But frequently, they stop there.

Your company is missing a huge chance to develop data-driven call center improvement methods that can increase call center performance if you aren’t delving deeper into conversation data. Additionally, a new set of tech stack tools based on developments in artificial intelligence (AI) are providing even more insight into call center operations, paving the path for increased productivity and possible cost savings. Among these are the Active Conversation Intelligence solutions driven by AI from call tracking systems.

Call Center Costs Can Be Slashed Quickly With the Help of Predictive Analytics

You can find previously undiscovered inefficiencies in your call center operations by using call tracking systems AI call center technology. For instance, you may learn right away when your call center needs the most staffing and when you can do without it by performing a straightforward, predictive study of call volume trends.

The same is true for the days of the week. For instance, do we require more or less personnel in the call center on Fridays when weekly employees are paid? public holidays (such as Christmas Day or July 4), as well as the number of employees that the call center actually needs. Call center managers can make the best staffing and payroll adjustments to generate cost savings with the use of this kind of predictive analysis of call data.

Efficiency can be increased in the call center, for example, by employing more smart staffing techniques. The amount of time agents spend handling calls is decreased by effectively routing calls to lower transfer rates while keeping agents on the phone with clients. According to an impartial research report.

Another is enhancing agent performance through focused coaching. Additionally, tracking systems Active Conversation Intelligence platform can be a useful tool for pinpointing precisely which team members’ skills need to be improved.

Automating QA using Conversation Intelligence

If your business is typical of most others, you monitor the success of your sales people through a manual QA process. This strategy suffers from a number of drawbacks, including the expense, time commitment, and risk of human mistake involved in manually listening to calls. Additionally, your QA team (or team of one) may only listen to a small portion of the calls made by your agents, which makes it difficult to determine how well they are performing generally. Some of your best agents may have been caught by them on their worst or best days.

Enter call tracking systems, a platform that leverages AI to automatically and impartially rate each call’s agent performance. With call tracking systems, you can quickly identify each agent’s advantages, disadvantages, and potential improvement areas.

Since no two sales organizations are alike, lets you create your own special standards for measuring sales agent success. For instance, you might want your sales representatives to introduce themselves and then announce an upcoming special before asking the caller to make an appointment. By using AI, the call scorecard can figure out which of these requirements are satisfied on each call and provide a score in accordance.

Coaching Agents using Conversation Intelligence

The traditional method of mentoring agents involved manually listening to hundreds of sales calls or practically standing over the agents’ shoulders and listening to what they were saying. Since many contact centers are now entirely remote, it is impossible to simply stand and listen, and it is not productive to spend days listening to call recordings.

You can automate a lot of the call listening and coaching opportunity identification process by utilizing a conversation intelligence software. Call tracking systems can identify any phrase or keywords you wish to look for that may indicate a significant discussion or time in a call by using AI-powered voice analytics.

With this program, you can immediately ascertain the causes of subpar customer service and quickly determine which personnel require additional training. You can also provide your agents the option of listening to their own calls, allowing them to analyze their interactions and determine for themselves whether or not they went well. Additionally, you may use in-platform comments to provide your agents with fast actionable feedback.

For instance, you might discover that a salesperson has been processing requests for offer matching from clients incorrectly because the salesperson isn’t aware that your business is flexible on deals up to a specific amount. As a result, they have refused to budge from the deal the business promoted, costing them sales. Once you are aware of this error, the agent’s supervisor can intervene and give the agent the necessary training. The agent will then be aware of exactly what to do to close the transaction the following time a customer requests an offer matching.

The call center can also uncover excellent practices conversation intelligence. All agents can benefit from the experience of coworkers who consistently achieve high call scores, successfully manage client objections, and aid in closing sales. You can identify what those agents are doing well and make sure the team is aware of it. When mentoring reps to develop their skills, you can highlight material from call transcripts and even share specific passages from call recordings. That kind of knowledge can also be used to train new team members more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, if you operate several stores or call centers, you may measure and monitor sales and lost opportunities across those locations, draw inspiration from the top performers, and reward agents, stores, and locations for their success.

Additionally, you can make sure that top-performing staff members in your call center receive the credit they merit by highlighting their contributions. That can assist you in lowering turnover costs and increasing retention of your finest employees.

Identifying and addressing the causes of ineffective call center procedures

As your company becomes more adept at using conversation intelligence tools to evaluate call center data, you’ll be able to go deeper into the “why” of any inefficiencies you find and perhaps even find answers to issues you weren’t even aware of. Let’s look at the example of CHG Healthcare, which initially used to give its digital marketing initiatives more precise attribution.

After achieving its main goal, the healthcare organization used to further analyze its call traffic and discovered that departments within the call center had wildly varying rates of picking up incoming calls. A other division handled 70% of its calls, while one answered calls in less than 20% of the time. Calls made to the less responding division rarely converted, but calls made to the more responsive division often did.

Analysis of call data revealed that the difference in pick-up rates at the two divisions was caused by the way incoming calls were routed: to a live agent as opposed to a voicemail mailbox. Once the problem was located, a simple repair could be implemented. Additionally, the division that had previously answered less calls had a 50% boost in connection rates, which in turn led to an increase in conversion rates.

More productive calls Mean more “good” calls.

By lowering the number of erroneous service calls, Active Conversation Intelligence platform can also aid in improving the efficiency of call center operations. The main objective of call center operations is frequently to allow employees to spend more time handling calls that can result in sales rather than poor customer service.

Too frequently, people will call customer support because they have a straightforward query that an online search couldn’t resolve. They might be seeking for specifics like office hours or locations, for instance, which should in an easily accessible FAQ section or knowledge base on the organization’s website.

By comparing the content of incoming calls to data on the corporate website that is accessible to the general public, they are was able to assist one call center manager in resolving this issue. 

In the end, this straightforward but crucial adjustment resulted in a 20% decrease in undesired incoming calls to the business’ call center, allowing agents to concentrate more on higher-value calls and be more effective.

Speech analytics can also assist companies make sure their call centers are directing calls to the appropriate locations by generating efficiencies in real time. This can lead to a greater first call resolution (FCR) rate in addition to enhancing the customer experience. Additionally, it gives call center representatives greater chances to turn customer assistance calls into sales.

They are assisted a significant financial institution in increasing sales-related activity after reviewing the bank’s inbound call routing. According to the analysis, customers calling the financial institution were frequently sent to the incorrect division or person and didn’t receive the help they need. The bank optimized its incoming call routing procedure after analyzing call data so that its consumers would encounter fewer phone transfers. That contributed to a two-thirds boost in the bank’s call center efficiency.

Other than that: As a result of its data-driven call center improvement efforts, the bank witnessed a 50% drop in cost per conversion and an increase in call center efficiency of 60%, according to ongoing call tracking and analysis of its incoming calls.

Providing Callers with a More Customized Experience

The conversation intelligence platform uses AI to do more than merely analyze data and provide suggestions for improvement. In order to improve customer satisfaction and increase the chance of conversions, it can work in real time, employing intelligent routing and contextual data to guide calls correctly.

For instance, call tracking can direct a caller to the proper department to solve that issue if they dial the retailer’s call center because they don’t want to submit specific information into an online form at checkout. The e-commerce retailer is then better positioned to close the deal by customizing the experience to suit the customer’s particular needs.

By providing the chosen call center agent with a quick, system-generated audio clip from the incoming call, they helps to provide that personalised experience. By giving the agent additional context about the nature of the call in that clip, they are better prepared to help the consumer before the conversation even starts.

Removing marketing and call center silos

All of the advantages and tactics mentioned above can raise agent productivity, boost call center quality, and assist increase efficiency and cut costs. But the connectivity can foster between the call center and the marketing division is one of the most important advantages of utilizing it there.

The call center and marketing typically operate in isolation from one another, but greater information sharing between these two departments can be profitable for the company overall. Using analyze incoming calls can yield a wealth of information and insights that marketing professionals can use to develop and improve their company’s marketing campaigns. The sophisticated algorithms used are capable of deciphering each call’s intent, results, and judgments. Additionally, each interaction can be linked to a customer’s online experience. Call centers can receive more high-value calls by closely collaborating with marketing and ensuring that advertising initiatives are generating sales calls rather than service calls.

The conversation intelligence platform, powered by AI, also enables the call center to add value to the company. The FCR rate can be increased and customer service agents can provide more individualized assistance by using insights, which call center managers may also use to help agents discover more time and opportunities to convert customer service calls into sales.

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History of programming languages Wed, 05 Oct 2022 18:36:10 +0000 Computer programming is the very basis of the digital age that we live in today. Every time you like a post on social media, send an email, or set an alarm on your phone, a programming language is working behind the scenes – pulling the strings. But where did it all begin? And what spurred […]

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Computer programming is the very basis of the digital age that we live in today. Every time you like a post on social media, send an email, or set an alarm on your phone, a programming language is working behind the scenes – pulling the strings.

But where did it all begin? And what spurred its growth into the leading industry that exists today? Most of all, why is knowing the history of programming languages important to hiring developers?

Join us, as we embark on a tour of the history of programming languages. This retrospective will demonstrate how much computer programming has developed over the years.  It’ll take you back from the early languages and complicated machine code to sophisticated human-readable language that powers our favorite technologies today.

The first programming language

Did you know that the first programming language was invented way back in 1843? Ada Lovelace came up with the first-ever machine algorithm for an early computing machine that she wrote down on a piece of paper because no computers existed at the time! Programming languages have obviously come a long way since then but in order to understand the history of programming languages, one must first acknowledge their origin.

History of programming languages: A timeline

Listed below is a timeline of the history of programming languages. The first known programming languages were complicated machine codes that were manually inputted into early computing machines. As you’ll discover, computer programming developed quickly from machine codes to fully automated human-readable code.

1843: Ada Lovelace’s machine algorithm

Ada Lovelace invents the first-ever machine algorithm for Charles Babbage’s Difference Machine that lays the foundation for all programming languages.

1944-45: Plankalkül

Somewhere between 1944-45, Konrad Zuse developed the first ‘real’ programming language called Plankalkül (Plan Calculus). Zeus’s language (among other things) allowed for the creations of procedures, which stored chunks of code that could be invoked over and over to perform routine operations.

1949: Assembly Language

Assembly language was used in the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC). Assembly language was a type of low-level programming language that simplified the language of machine code. In other words, the specific instructions necessary to operate a computer.

1949: Shortcode

Shortcode (or Short-order code), was the first High-Level Language (HLL) suggested by John McCauley in 1949. However, it was William Schmitt who implemented it for the BINAC computer the same year and for the UNIVAC in 1950.

1952: Autocode

Autocode was a general term used for a family of programming languages. First developed by Alick Glennie for the Mark 1 computer at the University of Manchester, Autocode was the first-ever compiled language to be implemented meaning that it can be translated directly into machine code using a program called a compiler.  Autocode was used on the Ferranti Pegasus and Sirius early computing machines in addition to the Mark 1.


FORmula TRANslation or FORTRAN was created by John Backus and is considered to be the oldest programming language in use today. The programming language was created for high-level scientific, mathematical, and statistical computations. FORTRAN is still in use today in some of the world’s most advanced supercomputers.

1958: ALGOL (Algorithmic Language)

Algorithmic language or ALGOL was created by a joint committee of American and European computer scientists. ALGOL served as the starting point for the development of some of the most important programming languages including Pascal, C, C++, and Java.

1958: LISP (List Processor)

List processor or LISP was invented by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institue of Technology (MIT). Originally purposed for artificial intelligence, LISP is one of the oldest programming languages still in use today and can be used in the place of Ruby or Python. Companies such as Acceleration, Boeing, and Genworks are still using LISP in their tech stacks.

1959: COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)

Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL), is the programming language behind many credit card processors, ATMs, telephone and cell calls, hospital signals, and traffic signals systems (just to name a few). The development of the language was led by Dr. Grace Murray Hopper and was designed so that it could run on all brands and types of computers. COBOL is still used to this day primarily for banking and gamification systems.

1964: BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code or BASIC was developed by a group of students at Dartmouth College. The language was written for students who did not have a strong understanding of mathematics or computers. The language was  developed further by Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen and became the first marketable product of the company.

1970: PASCAL

Named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, Niklaus Wirth developed the programming language in his honor. It was developed as a learning tool for computer programming which meant it was easy to learn. It was favored by Apple in the company’s early days,  because of its ease of use and power.

1972: Smalltalk

Developed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre by Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, and Dan Ingalls, Smalltalk allowed for computer programmers to modify code on the fly. It introduced a variety of programming language aspects that are visible languages of today such as Python, Java, and Ruby. Companies such as Leafly, Logitech, and CrowdStrike state they use Smalltalk in their tech stacks.

1972: C

Developed by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories for use with the Unix operating system. It was called C because it was based on an earlier language called ‘B’. Many of the current leading languages are derivatives of C including; C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, and Python. It also has been/still being used by huge companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple.

1972: SQL (SEQUEL at the time)

SQL was first developed by IBM researchers Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlain. SEQUEL (as it was referred to at the time), is used for viewing and changing information that is stored in databases. Nowadays the language is an acronym – SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language. There are a plethora of companies that use SQL and some of them include Microsoft and Accenture.

1980/81: Ada

Ada was originally designed by a team led by Jean Ichbiah of CUU Honeywell Bull under contract to the United States Department of Defense. Named after the mid-19th-century mathematician Ada Lovelace, Ada is a structured, statically typed, imperative, wide-spectrum, and object-oriented high-level programming language. Ada was extended from other popular programming languages at the time such as Pascal. Ada is used for air-traffic management systems in countries such as Australia, Belgium, and Germany as well as a host of other transport and space projects.

1983: C++

Bjarne Stroustrup modified the C language at the Bell Labs, C++ is an extension of C with enhancements such as classes, virtual functions, and templates. It has been listed in the top 10 programming languages since 1986 and received Hall of Fame status in 2003. C++ is used in MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, game engines, and other high-performance software.

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Popular programming languages Mon, 03 Oct 2022 18:33:39 +0000 As we all know, the programming language makes our life simpler. Currently, all sectors (like education, hospitals, banks, automobiles, and more ) completely depend upon the programming language. There are dozens of programming languages used by the industries. Some most widely used programming languages are given below – 1. Python Python is one of the most […]

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As we all know, the programming language makes our life simpler. Currently, all sectors (like education, hospitals, banks, automobiles, and more ) completely depend upon the programming language.

There are dozens of programming languages used by the industries. Some most widely used programming languages are given below –

1. Python

Python is one of the most widely used user-friendly programming languages. It is an open-source and easy to learn programming language developed in the 1990s. It is mostly used in Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Big Data, GUI based desktop applications, and Robotics.


  • Python is easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to write.
  • It integrates with other programming languages like C, C++, and Java.
  • Python executes code line-by-line, so it is easy for the programmer to find the error that occurred in the code.
  • Python is platform-independent means you can write code once and run it anywhere.


  • Python is not suitable for developing mobile applications and games.
  • Python works with the interpreter. That’s why it is slower than other programming languages like C and C++.

2. Java

Java is a simple, secure, platform-independent, reliable, architecture-neutral high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995. Now, Java is owned by Oracle. It is mainly used to develop bank, retail, information technology, android, big data, research community, web, and desktop applications.


  • Java is easy to write, compile, learn, and debug as compared to other programming languages.
  • It provides an ability to run the same program on different platforms.
  • It is a highly secured programming language because in java, there is no concept of explicit pointers.
  • It is capable of performing multiple tasks at the same time.


  • Java consumes more memory and slower than other programming languages like C or C++.
  • It does not provide a backup facility.

3. C

C is a popular, simple, and flexible general-purpose computer programming language. Dennis M Ritchie develops it in 1972 at AT&T. It is a combination of both low-level programming language as well as a high-level programming language. It is used to design applications like Text Editors, Compilers, Network devices, and many more.


  • C language is easy to learn.
  • It is fast, efficient, portable, easy to extend, powerful, and flexible programming language.
  • It is used to perform complex calculations and operations such as MATLAB.
  • It provides dynamic memory allocation to allocate memory at the run time.


  • In the C programming language, it is very difficult to find the errors.
  • C does not support the concepts of constructors, destructors, abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation, and namespace like OOPs.

4. C++

C++ is one of the thousands of programming languages that we use to develop software. C++ programming language is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1980. It is similar to the C programming language but also includes some additional features such as exception handling, object-oriented programming, type checking, etc.


  • C++ is a simple and portable structured programming language.
  • It supports OOPs features such as Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation.
  • It provides high-level abstraction and useful for a low-level programming language, and more efficient for general-purpose.
  • C++ is more compatible with the C language.


  • C++ programming language is not secured as compared to other programming languages like Java or Python.
  • C++ can not support garbage collection.
  • It is difficult to debug large as well as complex web applications.

5. C#

C# (pronounced as C sharp) is a modern, general-purpose, and object-oriented programming language used with XML based Web services on the .NET platform. It is mainly designed to improve productivity in web applications. It is easier to learn for those users who have sufficient knowledge of common programming languages like C, C++, or Java.


  • C# is a modern, type-safe, easy, fast, and open-source programming language that is easily integrated with Windows.
  • The maintenance of C# (C sharp) is lower than the C++ programming language.
  • C# is a pure object-oriented programming language.
  • C# includes a strong memory backup facility. That’s why it avoids the problem of memory leakage.


  • C# is less flexible because it is completely based on Microsoft .Net framework.
  • In C#, it is difficult to write, understand, debug, and maintain multithreaded applications.

6. JavaScript

JavaScript is a type of scripting language that is used on both client-side as well as a server-side. It is developed in the 1990s for the Netscape Navigator web browser. It allows programmers to implement complex features to make web pages alive. It helps programmers to create dynamic websites, servers, mobile applications, animated graphics, games, and more.


  • JavaScript helps us to add behavior and interactivity on the web page.
  • It can be used to decrease the loading time from the server.
  • It has the ability to create attractive, dynamic websites, and rich interfaces.
  • JavaScript is a simple, versatile, and lightweight programming language.
  • JavaScript and its syntax are easy to understand.


  • JavaScript is completely based on the browser.
  • It does not support multiple inheritance.
  • It is less secure compared to other programming languages.

7. R

Currently, R programming is one of the popular programming languages that is used in data analytics, scientific research, machine learning algorithms, and statistical computing. It is developed in 1993 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman. It helps marketers and data scientists to easily analyze, present, and visualize data.


  • R programming provides extensive support for Data Wrangling.
  • It provides an easy-to-use interface.
  • It runs on any platform like Windows, Linux, and Mac.
  • It is an open-source and platform-independent programming language.


  • R programming does not support 3D graphics.
  • It is slower than other programming languages.

8. PHP

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is an open-source, powerful server-side scripting language mainly used to create static as well as dynamic websites. It is developed by Rasmus Laird in 1994. Inside the php, we can also write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. To save php file, file extension .php is used.


  • PHP is a more secure and easy-to-use programming language.
  • It supports powerful online libraries.
  • It can be run on a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Mac.
  • It provides excellent compatibility with cloud services.


  • PHP is not capable of handling a large number of applications and not suitable for large applications.
  • It is quite difficult to maintain.

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What is a Programming Language? Sat, 01 Oct 2022 18:06:21 +0000 A programming language is a computer language that is used by programmers (developers) to communicate with computers. It is a set of instructions written in any specific language ( C, C++, Java, Python) to perform a specific task. A programming language is mainly used to develop desktop applications, websites, and mobile applications. Types of programming language 1. Low-level programming […]

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A programming language is a computer language that is used by programmers (developers) to communicate with computers. It is a set of instructions written in any specific language ( C, C++, Java, Python) to perform a specific task.

A programming language is mainly used to develop desktop applications, websites, and mobile applications.

Types of programming language

1. Low-level programming language

Low-level language is machine-dependent (0s and 1s) programming language. The processor runs low- level programs directly without the need of a compiler or interpreter, so the programs written in low-level language can be run very fast.

Low-level language is further divided into two parts –

i. Machine Language

Machine language is a type of low-level programming language. It is also called as machine code or object code. Machine language is easier to read because it is normally displayed in binary or hexadecimal form (base 16) form. It does not require a translator to convert the programs because computers directly understand the machine language programs.

The advantage of machine language is that it helps the programmer to execute the programs faster than the high-level programming language.

ii. Assembly Language

Assembly language (ASM) is also a type of low-level programming language that is designed for specific processors. It represents the set of instructions in a symbolic and human-understandable form. It uses an assembler to convert the assembly language to machine language.

The advantage of assembly language is that it requires less memory and less execution time to execute a program.

2. High-level programming language

High-level programming language (HLL) is designed for developing user-friendly software programs and websites. This programming language requires a compiler or interpreter to translate the program into machine language (execute the program).

The main advantage of a high-level language is that it is easy to read, write, and maintain.

High-level programming language includes Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C#, C++, Objective C, Cobol, Perl, Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, and Swift programming language.

A high-level language is further divided into three parts –

i. Procedural Oriented programming language

Procedural Oriented Programming (POP) language is derived from structured programming and based upon the procedure call concept. It divides a program into small procedures called routines or functions.

Procedural Oriented programming language is used by a software programmer to create a program that can be accomplished by using a programming editor like IDE, Adobe Dreamweaver, or Microsoft Visual Studio.

The advantage of POP language is that it helps programmers to easily track the program flow and code can be reused in different parts of the program.

The advantage of POP language is that it helps programmers to easily track the program flow and code can be reused in different parts of the program.

Example: C, FORTRAN, Basic, Pascal, etc.

ii. Object-Oriented Programming language

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language is based upon the objects. In this programming language, programs are divided into small parts called objects. It is used to implement real-world entities like inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, etc in the program to makes the program resusable, efficient, and easy-to-use.

The main advantage of object-oriented programming is that OOP is faster and easier to execute, maintain, modify, as well as debug.

Note: Object-Oriented Programming language follows a bottom-up approach.

Example: C++, Java, Python, C#, etc.

iii. Natural language

Natural language is a part of human languages such as English, Russian, German, and Japanese. It is used by machines to understand, manipulate, and interpret human’s language. It is used by developers to perform tasks such as translation, automatic summarization, Named Entity Recognition (NER), relationship extraction, and topic segmentation.

The main advantage of natural language is that it helps users to ask questions in any subject and directly respond within seconds.

3. Middle-level programming language

Middle-level programming language lies between the low-level programming language and high-level programming language. It is also known as the intermediate programming language and pseudo-language.

A middle-level programming language’s advantages are that it supports the features of high-level programming, it is a user-friendly language, and closely related to machine language and human language.

Example: C, C++, language

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